Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Week 14 & 15 presentation 3

These two weeks were our third presentation. We have successfully finished our design and it's ready to present to the class. We have made a controller with a joystick and RF module which control the speed of the motor wirelessly. The receiver receives the input signal from the controller and spin the motor with different speed based on the input on the controller. Also, we implemented a kill switch feature on the joystick where it stops the motor when the button is clicked.
As we are finishing up with the semester, we have started to document our design. In order to have other individuals to read what we have done for this project, we have to clearly write our report which includes our ideas, approach, testing, solution, and result. We have started the report since we just finished our last presentation. Report will be finishing up in the next week before 12/18.